By January 1st, 2025, all drivers with a Metro Atlanta address on their driver’s license will have to pass a state-mandated driving test.
What’s on the driving test for Atlanta drivers?
The new driving test has two components: a written section and an actual driving test with a state official. You will be able to take this test at the most convenient DDS for you; all DDSs will host the test beginning April 7th, 2024.
To find the closest location to you, you can check the Georgia Department of Driver Services here.
The Written Driving Test
The written portion of the driving test will include sign recognition, what to do in specific driving situations, and how to handle accidents in Atlanta.
These questions will all be multiple choice.
The Driving Test
For the driving portion of the state-mandated driving test, you will need to complete a 15-20 minute driving session with an appointed Georgia state official.
What happens if I don’t pass the test?
Failure to pass EITHER the written or driving test will result in ‘immediate revocation of the Georgia Driver’s License.’
Don’t worry–it’s just an April Fool’s Prank! Happy, April, y’all!