You might’ve come across some of these hilariously crazy laws in Georgia before… but others, you’ll be shocked to hear! From rules about where you can’t keep a giraffe in public, to who is required to own a rake, here are 10 of the craziest Georgia laws! We found all these crazy laws at stupidlaws.com, if you’re looking to see other crazy laws across the country and globe!
1. In Acworth, all citizens must own a rake
Why, exactly, and if you’re required to use it, on the other hand, is not part of the law. But if you live in Acworth, make sure to take a quick trip to Walmart and grab a rake!
2. In Atlanta, it is against the law to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole or street lamp
Some have theorized that this is to prevent animal abuse, others wonder if there was a specific instance. We don’t really know, but we do know it’s a hilarious and crazy law!
3. In Gainesville, fried chicken must be eaten with the hands
You’re probably thinking NO WAY that’s a law. Well, you’re kind of right… accordant to Stewart Melvin & Frost Law, the hands-only chicken ordinance happened in 1961 as a publicity stunt. The Poultry Capital of the World, Gainesville, was only playing a little joke on visitors! But the ordinance is technically real!
4. In Marietta, it is illegal to spit from a car or bus
From a truck, however? Totally legal.
5. In Quitman, it is illegal for a chicken to cross the road
Guess the ‘why did the chicken cross the road’ joke isn’t quite a thing in Quitman, Georgia!
6. In Athens, goldfish may not be given away to entice someone to enter a game of bingo
More specifically, you can’t use a live animal giveaway as an inducement to enter any contest, game, or other competition.
7. In Athens, slingshots may not be used in the city limits
We’d love to know the story behind this one!
8. In Columbus, it is illegal to wear a hat in a movie theater
And this one has good reason: Stupid Laws says, “It shall be unlawful for any person to wear a hat or any other covering of the head which obstructs the view of other persons, in any theater, opera house, motion picture theater or any other building where an entertainment is given and an admission charged, during any performance at such theater, opera house, motion picture theater or any other building where an entertainment is given and an admission charged.”
9. In Dublin, rocks may not be thrown at birds
Any other form of bothering, harming or accosting birds is also prohibited by law!
10. In Dublin, cars may not be driven through playgrounds
Which… makes sense. Of course, if the Parks and Rec department allows it, maintenance and construction vehicles are allowed on the property.
We hope you enjoyed scrolling through some of the funniest and craziest laws in Georgia!