Construction will soon begin on Downtown’s Five Points MARTA Station, and Atlanta has ended up being an integral part of its fresh design and purpose. The transformation of our transit system is always (as it should be) evolving into an easier and more modern infrastructure, and this major project is testament to MARTA’s vision of the future.
About the project
The Five Points Station has been a central hub for MARTA’s entire system since its foundations, so the redesign makes perfect sense as MARTA continues to move forward with creating a better, more connected Atlanta.
From Zoom meetings to on-sight discussions and meetings, community outreach has been an integral part of this project, with many Atlantans having a say on what’s going to happen with the design and construction.
This great undertaking is being led by Skidmore, Owings, & Merrill (SOM), a global leader in city design, transportation planning, architecture, and structural design.
The proposed transformation will enhance the interconnectivity between transportation systems, accommodate more riders, add commercial space, and ultimately, encourage community interaction in the historic, vibrant Five Points area in the heart of Downtown Atlanta.
What can you expect
With these exciting new offerings, the Five Points station will become an enhanced community hotspot, as the designers completely reimage what’s possible with the station’s open space.
Mobility and access for buses, cars, pedestrians, and bicyclists will be improved, to bring different modes of transport together in a safe and efficient way.
Sustainability is also at the forefront of this project’s mission, set to enhance the area with greenery to truly reflect our city’s reputation for being the “City in a forest”.
You can also expect spectacular street art to reflect the neighborhood’s vibrant qualities, as well as its reputation for being one of the best spots in A-Town to soak up incomparable murals, graffiti, and beyond.
When will this be happening?
The project is currently in its ‘Public Launch’ phase with the design and planning almost complete. Once those are cemented, pre-construction and construction will be taking place in winter 2023.
For more information and to stay totally up to date with MARTA’s plans for Five Points Station, visit their website.