It’s almost Halloween, so it’s time for some silly holiday fun! We asked you all what each Atlanta neighborhood would dress up as for Halloween if they could, and you answered!
And let me add, some of those answers were RANCID! I laughed out loud reading the answers.
But without further ado, here’s what we think the Atlanta neighborhoods would dress as if they were all headed to a Halloween party together!
Downtown Atlanta
The Cast of Atlanta (starring Donald Glover)
Downtown Atlanta is the heart of our city. It’s densely packed with tons of things to do, places to eat, and of course, people. So we need a BIG group costume for the city, and the Cast of the hit TV show Atlanta is… literally perfect.
It should be noted that a lot of you just said “chicken wing” for this one, lol.
Weird Barbie from the new Greta Gerwig film, Barbie.
Loveable, different, artsy and marches to the beat of her own drum. She’s true to herself, and she does things her own way! And she’s no stereotype!
The Kardashians
Buckhead has lots of luxury! With fancy restaurants and high-quality luxury hotels, homes, and venues, we’ve gotta say, Buckhead looks like a millionaire! And it will definitely be wearing sleek black and chic shades this Halloween!
Sweet Auburn
A statue
Sweet Auburn is one of Atlanta’s most important Historic districts. It’s the neighborhood where Martin Luther King Jr. grew up and later worked. It’s also right next to the GSU campus, which is always expanding!
To keep on trend with a historic costume, we think Sweet Auburn would wear all grey and paint itself grey to go as a statue! The statue would definitely be elegantly dressed, too!
Little Five Points
A “sexy carrot”
That’s what it tells its friends. And no one really knows what that means or how they’re going to do that, but when L5P shows up at the party, it is indeed a sexy carrot.
It’s funny, artistic, bright and definitely unexpected. Oh, and it has huge chunky carrot-orange heels on!
Avondale Estates & Decatur
They go as a couples’ costume, where they say they’re both going to dress up with crowns and gowns! Decatur wears a crown and makes its own cape and dress from thrifted materials, and looks very much like a classic storybook queen. Avondale Estates goes as Queen Elizabeth II. They both laugh when they see the miscommunication.
Old Fourth Ward
Tony Hawk
O4W just wants to carry its skateboard to the party, so it’s going as Tony Hawk. And as soon as you ask, it’ll show you its best trick!
Old Fourth Ward is a great, up and comer for parks, restaurants and things to do! We love the fun, recreational vibe of the neighborhood, and we’re definitely grabbing a King of Pops popsicle every time we visit!
Holly from Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Cabbagetown tells you that it’s going as Holly, so you immediately think the black dress and pearls–but it actually wears the iconic blue eye mask and white pajamas.
Classy, unexpected, charming!
Inman Park
A butterfly
Not just because of the gorgeous mural of the Inman Park Butterly, but because Inman Park is a very calm place to eat, work and play! Surrounded by lots of flowers and greenery, the neighborhood also has great access to the Beltline for a nice outdoor walk!
Inman Park would also tell the others it was going as a butterfly, and it would have its costume ready weeks in advance.
East Atlanta Village
Animal from the Muppets
I feel like this one doesn’t need a ton of explanation. EAV is grungy and artsy in a dirty hipster type way. We love EAV and we love Animal!
Grant Park
A panda bear
After December, Atlanta will be the only zoo in the country with a panda! So Grant Park goes all out on an adorable panda costume to celebrate.
And they go realistic… not like a sexy panda.
West End
A pop star (like Beyonce and Katy Perry)
West End likes to boast, “West End, Best End!” And there’s plenty to love about the neighborhood, with a mix of urban and suburban, there’s plenty to do, see and experience! One of Atlanta’s oldest neighborhoods has kept up with the times well, and stayed in the spotlight!
Think big makeup, lots of stars, and it’s carrying around a microphone all night!