Embark on an adventure at the heart of a true-to-life replicated video store, where a cast of employees, patrons, and their VHS tapes depend on your bravery to save the day.
Calling all 90s kids! The experience is open through August, and you can get your tickets here.
Since Titanic is sold out, you’re off to rent a blockbuster film to enjoy with your friends. But we don’t guarantee that all will go according to plan… Actually, nothing does: a volcano erupts and dino-aliens come to your pursuit! Your mission becomes to save the video store, but you’ll only keep MovieBuster from getting destroyed if you join your fellow peers and employees — competing in games along the way to win prizes…
Put on your fanny pack and get to saving the video store!
After saving the store, the employees might just sneak you into their lounge to grab a movie-themed cocktail or mocktail. After all, you deserve it!
General admission starts at $49, and $75 VIP tickets include a MovieBuster party pack as well as 2 alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks to enjoy at the Employee Lounge.