You’ve probably heard about the viral TikTok series: ‘Who TF Did I Marry’ about an Atlanta woman’s traumatic dating experience, marriage, and eventual divorce from a pathological liar. The
TikTok series is told by Reesa Teesa, an Atlanta local, who married a narcissistic, pathological liar. She tells her story in a series of 50 ten-minute videos while she’s getting ready for work, and then driving.
During just the first hour of TikToks, Reesa Teesa’s story goes from a Facebook Dating first date where she blows a tire and the unnamed ex comes to the rescue–all the way to a home-buying experience where her ex (fiancé now) fully lied about closing on a home–to a tragic miscarriage.
So what happened?
Reesa Teesa tells her story with an up-front introduction: “You would have thought I was colorblind, because I ignored all of [the red flags].”
During the beginning of COVID 19’s shutdown, Reesa Teesa began dating a man who she calls ‘Legion’ (a purposely fake name). The 5 hour series details the experience she has with him, including dating, attempting (multiple times) to buy a house, a pregnancy, a miscarriage, and then her discovery of all of his lies.
Reesa Teesa explains that she noticed red flags and weird ways he was lying, but ignored it because of the financial security. She says, there are several times she knows her audience is thinking, “Girl, WHAT was you thinking?” And she says, “trust me… there’s no excuse.”
As the story unfolds, Legion becomes more and more controlling, even accusing Reesa Teesa of cheating. She later finds out he was actually cheating on her, and almost everything he told her was a lie. From the number of siblings he had to where he attended school. All of it. And every time a lie came to light, Legion explained it away with something… mysteriously outside of his control.
More Lies
After a background check that Reesa Teesa conducted for more than obvious reasons, she finds out some truly chilling things. Legion never lived in California at all, like he claimed he did. Teesa calls Legion’s ex wife, and finds out that his step-daughter, who he claimed DIED OF COVID 19, is alive and well.
Legion also told his family, who did not know Teesa and Legion were married, had a baby together. The baby that Teesa miscarried earlier in their relationship.
‘Who TF Did I Marry?’
Really… you’ve got to listen to it. Yeah, all 5 hours of it, to get the full story, because every moment is another insane twist to the drama that unfolds in real-time.
Reesa Teesa says, “I know people are fascinated by this, but more than anything, I hope there’s a woman watching this, and she says, ‘okay, it’s time for me to ask some questions.’ That’s my hope.” And commenters assured her that they’d been through similar things. And that her story was helping them.
Watch the whole thing of Reesa Teesa’s TikTok, @reesamteesa.