You might remember earlier this year, when TikTok was taken by storm by the infamous 50-part series of the ex-husband-nightmare-story told by an Atlanta woman, Tareasa “Reesa Teesa” Johnson, ‘Who TF Did I Marry’?
Wait… what is ‘Who TF Did I Marry?’
In her harrowing tale, Reesa Teesa told the story of her compulsive lying ex-husband. She includes her own mistakes, and shares with the world how she’d been manipulated, lied to, and cheated on during the couple’s relatively brief relationship and marriage. And along with the intense subject material, the sheer length of the TikTok series was sensational: 50 videos and over 8 hours of content.
And now there’s even more ‘Who TF Did I Marry?’ news: the story is getting a TV show.
‘Who TF Did I Marry?’ TV Show
According to Variety, Natasha Rothwell is developing a TV adaptation of the TikTok series. Rothwell will star as Johnson, as well as working as the executive producer of the show.
Variety says,
Following a competitive bidding war, the project was set up at ABC Signature, where Rothwell’s Big Hattie Productions banner was previously under an overall deal.
So you’ll be able to watch a dramatization of the already insanely dramatic story of Atlanta’s own Reesa Teesa’s devastatingly manipulative marriage… and her triumph in the end.
You definitely don’t want to miss out on this one, Atlanta! You’ll surely recognize all the places, references, and landmarks from the story, since they’re from right here in the ATL.
And while we’re on the subject of TV–did you know Stranger Things is currently casting in the ATL area? Well, they are… and you could be on the show! Find out how you could get on the iconic Atlanta show here!